
Articles will be in chronological order


Breaking news from YNU105(4/30)

Good morning everyone. Sorry for the late update. Recently the numbers of new confirmed cases have slowly declined thanks to everyones effort. Usually around this time of the year Japans Highway are jammed and the bullet trains are packed with people. Why? Because its golden week! But this year due to the state of emergency announcement Japanese government has strongly requested all people to stay at home and prefectoral governors has also requested travelers to not visit their prefecture.

During these two weeks YNU has also uploaded some news to students. Here are the summary of the statements from YNU.

  • Preparation for classes in spring semester(computer, etc.)
  • Change of Tuition fee payment due dates 
  • Date extended until July 1st for stundets entering YNU campus (same exception as last time)

For further information please check YNU's HP. 

If you feel lonley please contact us! We will be more than happy to support you!



  • オンライン授業に向けたネット環境の準備
  • 授業料納期の延期
  • 生徒の入構禁止期間延期



Breaking news from YNU105(4/14)

Hello everyone. As the governments announcement, 7prefectures including Tokyo and Kanagawa has declared a state of emergency. Unlike other countries in the world, Japans state of emergency does not mean a lockdown and does'nt have any legal bindings. This announcement is more of a very strong request. Until May 6th please be at your home and please restrict from going out for unnecessary ocasions. Please be on full alert of this pandemic but do not panic. Groccery stores, convenience stores and farmacies are open to maintain everyones life so do not rush into these shops to over buy murchandises. If possible in my opinion I recomend people to go out shoping at the time where theres not much costomers like after lunch or pass midnight to pevent yourself from getting infected. As the confirmed cases rises, its important for everyone to stay home and to keep away from the three Cs(confirmed spaces, crowded places, close contact). If everyone is able to decline 80% of the people you meet then it will be possible to suppress this deadly disease.

Staying home saves lives and your future.



Breaking news from YNU105(4/6)

Are you spending a wonderful time at home this weekend? The media has been telling that Japanese government is going to announce a state of emergency tommorow to Tokyo Kanagawa and several more prefectures. Meanwhile YNU has updated their HP with specific explanations so please check it. Also those who have came back or have arrived to Japan in these 2 weeks please check the HP.

Lets be patient and pray that this pandemic will come to an end! 



English version HP link:

日本語版HP リンク:

Breaking news from YNU105(4/4)




Hows it going everyone? Are you staying at home as told? Unfortunately due to COVID19 YNU will restict students from entering the University from today 4/4 until 5/6. Everyone will be unable to go or pass by YNU. If there are students who have to visit YNU for the next reasons {A.scholarship or B.research(Experiments that use live animals or experiments that needs to be maintained)}, permission may be given if you send an application form to YNU or the department you belong to. This information is from the Japanese YNU HP. For further information in English please check YNU HP (The next update is scheduled on 4/6). We will stick the link of YNU HP.

Please stay at home this weekend too. Keep it up everyone!!!!!



English HP:

Application form template

1.student number

3.scheduled visiting date


5.reason (A.scholarship B.research)



Breaking news from YNU105  (3/29)


Hello! We hope you are currently well and healthy. For your information, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the university has decided to postpone classes until 7th May. Due to that reason, the 105 Club will also be taking a break until 7th May. Until then, we hope everyone stays safe by washing your hands, practicing social distancing and staying at home whenever possible. For further information please ask us from any SNS tools.

Stay home as much as possible.