Welcome to YNU 105's Homepage!!

We are moving our website !

We have moved to a new website Link is as shown below! 新しいサイトに移動しました以下のリンクになります!

Link: https://ynu-isc-room105.studio.site/



YNU105 is a certified group by YNU. We support international students during their stay in YOKOHAMA

Hello guys,

We announce one regrettable information...

We hold some events, party, Camp and BBQ in this semester usually. But because of the COVID-19, we are prohibited to do our events by the university. It can’t be helped. Now instead of doing these events, we plan some new events, it’s online game tournament:) Let’s play together!

*This Event is announced by Instagram (@ ynu105)

Please check it!













!!Please answer the survey !!

We're planning an online fall welcome party in early November!

We want you to enjoy this event, so please feel free to answer this questionnaire !









YOP will launch again!



We will launch YOP which connects international and Japanese students at Yokohama National University. If you are interested in this project, please check the detailed information by reading QR code, and feel free to join us! The due date is September 30th.

~YNU 105 staff blog~



Hello my dude :手: I'm Taku, Takuro Sakashita.
In Japan, unfortunately, there have been a new record number of positive cases reported day by day after making decision of unbineded the restriction for outgoing.

Hope going outside without fearless for Covid-19 as soon as possible.
:アセアセ: Anyway, I introduce one of my hobbies which I enthusiasm in this so much long spring vacation. This is “"driving”". I got a driver license in April, and I belonged to the car sharing service! I spent it more 30.000 yen and I was practiced so hard. (Driving is not crowded so less fear than get on the bus or train in fact. )One day, I drove a car with my friends I mistaken to go right side, and I think holly sit! Mean, our car was running backwards on the road!! and Just hitting the Mercedes come over. I just turned my handle and avoided misfortune, but I felt so bad in that time, Too thrilling for me:> You also care for road in Japan! ! ** In Japan, cars drive on the left side of the road while pedestrians should walk on the right. Thank
So please care about these things and enjoy traveling when you come to Japan in the future.
皆さんこんにちは!日本ではコロナの二波がきそうです。早くコロナのことを考えず外出したいものですね:アセアセ:とにかく、今日私はコロナの長い春休みでハマったものを紹介します。それは運転です!!:車の正面:実は、4月に運転免許なるものを取得しちゃってその日にカーシェアサービスへGo! 4月は調子乗っちゃって3万以上飛ばしちゃいましたトホホ
ある時、車運転してたら右側走行していて危うく向かいから来たベンツに突っ込みそうになりました。プリウスVSベンツ まさにミミズと鷹みたいな対決になりかけたんですが運よく回避いたしました((あっぶね〜

コメント: 2
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    morishun (火曜日, 23 5月 2023 14:13)

    We are the one!

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    رفعت أحمد عابدين بريمه (日曜日, 06 6月 2021 06:03)

    الحكم والاداره السودان ضابط اداري طريقة التقديم لمنحه


 How often do you drink coffee? I like it and often drink it . The other day, I found a coffee beans shop in my neighborhood, so I went there!
By the way, when you hear  the word “coffee beans”, what color do you imagine? Many of you may think brown or black, but in fact, those burnt colors are due to the roasting of the coffee beans. Natural color of the coffee beans are light green and when they grow on the coffee tree, the color of the coffee beans become red. The coffee beans which were sold at the shop were all raw beans. You can request the owner your favorite roast level! How wonderful! Since the shop was so crowded at that time, I couldn’t order one, so I want to go there again and want to get my favorite roasted coffee!                


(写真は家にある別のコーヒー豆です笑)                                                                                          WRITTEN BY UI

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    رفعت أحمد عابدين (日曜日, 06 6月 2021 06:07)

    من السودان ضابط اداري طريقة التقديم لمنحة الحكم والإدارة كيف
    واتساب 0123494046


Hello everyone! I introduce one of my hobbies which I started during the stay home period.

 Sadly, I've gained 5kg since last summer. Because of that I've been thinking that I should do some exercises and lose weight. When I knew that I have to stay home during spring semester, I thought this is a good chance to start exercising.  After I started exercising everyday I’ve lost 3kg in three month! I recommended two Youtube channels, "Marina Fitness" and "Mad Fit". Both of them are mainly for fitness beginners. So, the videos are fun and stress-free dance workouts which you can do without any equipment at home. So, I want you to try exercise with these channels, and get the body you want!!




『アラサー健康チャンネル Marina Takewaki』『Mad Fit』の2つチャンネルを中心に毎日30分程度トレーニングを続けています。楽しくダンスしながら痩せられたり、その日の気分によって鍛える部位を変えられたりできます!オススメのチャンネルです。今3kg減量に成功しました🤣皆さんもおうち時間の機会に、筋トレをしてみては如何でしょうか!                                                                                                                                                                       WRITTEN BY AOI

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Hello! I’m Miyaka.

I tried packing my recent "daily life" into a single photo.

My daily life basically consists of three parts; ‘Korean dramas’, ‘omelet rice’, and ‘agemizawa’. I originally liked going out, but due to the influence of covid-19, I came to spend most of the day at home. Even at home, I try to keep enjoying myself at every moment of my life.

For example, I felt the desire to travel to Korea on Korean dramas, studying Korean, and kimchi. Also, the omelet rice restaurant where I worked part-time was closed, so I bought a frying pan and made omelet rice at home to serve my family. By the way, the omelet rice in the picture is a food sample. And then, I borrowed a guitar from my friend so I started practicing these days.

You may be a little bit anxious about what will happen in the future, but take care of yourself and let’s meet again at YNU…!!!









Thank you😊


コメント: 1
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    AJ (金曜日, 31 7月 2020 00:25)

    I’ve tried making the omurice like in the 105 video but... I failed... ぴえん

~Let's take action immediately when coming up with something.~


How do you deal with stress? I tend to use much money to ged rid of that. For example, eating something delicious, buying something I want and going on a day trip impulsively, etc.  (I REALLY don't recomend these methods because your wallet will be empty if you do them.)
I bought several books these days because I stay much time at home. Actually, however I have little time for reading because of a lot of homeworks. I'm looking forward to read after exams in this semester.




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I’m living by myself. But I was back at my parents’ home when a declaration of a state of emergency was issued. I could talk a lot with my parents and sister. And cookings at home are still very delicious! I could spend a lot of time with my family because I couldn’t go out.

   Because of COVID-19, broadcasts of dramas and anime were postponed. In such situation, I often watched anime that was already broadcasted. I watch many types, and especially I want to recommend you Kingdom and Blackclover. Both are based on manga. Anime and manga are Japanese culture. There are many fans around the world. You’ll be able to enjoy talking with various people for common topics if you know about them!!!

 コロナの影響で予定されていたドラマやアニメの放送が延期されていましたが、そんな中、私は今までに放送されたアニメを観ることが多かったです。色々観るのですが、特にオススメなのは、キングダムとブラッククローバー。どちらも漫画が原作です。アニメや漫画は日本の文化で、世界中にファンがいます。知っていると、様々な国の人と共通の話題として盛り上がれちゃうかも…!!    WRITTEN BY YUNA

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Hello! How are you?
I watched an anime called 『touch』during this stay home period. It has as many as “101” stories.
The reason why I watched it is…
When I introduce myself “My name is Minami Asahara”, I am often asked “Do you know Minami Asakura?” Minami Asakura is a character of『touch』. However I have not read this yet...
This character is good at both sports and studies, but I... I should study during this stay home period instead of watching 『touch』... I will try to study English from now on.
『touch』is a popular cartoon that has sold almost 200 million copies! We can watch this on Netflix. Please take a look!

『タッチ』の漫画は2億部も売れていて、人気のある作品で、Netflixでも公開されています。みなさんは是非見てみて下さい。                                            WRITTEN BY MINAMI

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Hey y’all! Are you a dog or a cat person? I’m a dog person and have two cute pugs at home, Umi-chan and Oto-chan. Let me tell you a little bit about them. What’s your impression of pugs?

I think they have small bodies, light-colored fur, and ugly-cute faces. Umi-chan is a typical pug but Oto-chan has black hair. She also has white hair around her stomach like an old man!

They are both smart and so cheerful but selfish because they were spoiled🤣 They are always sleeping together in the daytime like sisters. They comfort me every day ☺️ How do you find comfort in your daily lives?

こんにちは!突然ですが、みなさんは犬派ですか?それとも猫派ですか?僕は犬派で、実家でパグを2匹飼っています🐶そこで、四六時中生活を共にしていた愛犬、うみちゃん・おとちゃんを紹介します。パグって聞くとどんな姿を思い浮かべますか?あんまり大きくなくて、毛は白っぽくて、顔はブルドッグに似てブサかわといった感じですかね。その通りです!うみちゃんは、ずばりそんな感じで、典型的なパグの女の子です。ところが!おとちゃんは、少し珍しく(?)毛が真っ黒な女の子なんです。お腹は白い毛が混ってますが。こんな2匹はちょっと甘やかされて元気なお嬢様に育っちゃいました。元気すぎて困っちゃうくらい🤣 お昼になるといつも2匹揃ってお昼寝してます。そんな姿を見るとほっこりして、僕の癒しです☺️ みなさんも改めて日々の生活の中に癒しを探してみてはいかがでしょうか? WRITTEN BY YOSEI

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    AJ (金曜日, 31 7月 2020 00:22)
